Sim­ple Chick­en Stir-Fry with Broc­coli and Red Peppers

Dead Sim­ple Chick­en and Broc­coli Stir-fry with Fried Mush­room Rice

(serves 6)

6 chick­en breast fillets

1 bot­tle (150ml, about 1/2 cup) oys­ter sauce

sev­er­al gen­er­ous shakes soy sauce

6 cloves gar­lic, minced

2 bunch­es spring onions, sliced (green parts too)

1‑inch knob gin­ger, peeled and minced

1 large head broc­coli, sep­a­rat­ed into bite-size florets

2 red bell pep­pers, cut into bite-size chunks

2 tbsps ground­nut or veg­etable oil

6–8 medi­um brown mush­rooms, diced

4 eggs, beaten

1 1/2 cups/300g bas­mati rice, steamed

2 tbsps soy sauce, or to taste

hand­ful roast­ed cashews, rough­ly chopped (option­al)

hand­ful cilantro leaves (option­al)

Trim the chick­en and slice VERY thin on the bias, then place in a bowl with the oys­ter sauce, the first 2 tbsps soy sauce and the gar­lic, one bunch of sliced spring onions, and the gin­ger.  Stir well to coat chick­en and leave aside while you pre­pare every­thing else.

Stir-fry the chick­en until JUST cooked, then remove to a serv­ing bowl, leav­ing as much of the sauce behind as pos­si­ble.   In this sauce, cook the broc­coli and pep­pers till they are slight­ly soft­ened.  Add the veg­eta­bles to the chick­en in the serv­ing bowl, toss till mixed, and cov­er with a lid or foil to keep hot.

In the same pan, add the oil and stir-fry the mush­rooms until just soft­ened.  Push the mush­rooms to one side and add the beat­en eggs to the emp­ty side and scram­ble.  Throw in the steamed rice and stir-fry mush­rooms, eggs and rice togeth­er, sprin­kling with soy sauce.  Serve at once with the still-hot chick­en and veg­eta­bles.  Top with the cashews and cilantro, if using.

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