my father

As you all know, I have strug­gled for years with my father’s sad ill­ness with Alzheimer’s disease.

Final­ly, on August 25, one day after I had seen him for the last time, he died.  My sis­ter Jill and I, togeth­er with her won­der­ful hus­band Joel and their two girls, Jane and Mol­ly, scat­tered Dad’s ash­es in our pond, at our beloved Red Gate Farm, just a day before I came home to Lon­don.  It was good that we were together.

jill me pond

Lat­er on, this fresh month of Sep­tem­ber back home, I will write more about the mag­i­cal four weeks I spent in Amer­i­ca.  August was a mael­strom of emo­tions — birth­day love with my moth­er, emo­tion­al reunions with friends, glo­ri­ous times as a chick­en farmer.

But for now, our thoughts and emo­tions are locked in the past.  A bet­ter past with our dad and grand­fa­ther.  Rest in peace, Grand­pa Paul.

dad avery

6 Responses

  1. A Work in Progress says:

    Oh, I am so sor­ry for your loss. It is not easy, no mat­ter what age…

  2. Kristen Frederickson says:

    Thank you.

  3. Hilary Kemeny says:

    Sor­ry to hear about your loss Kris­ten. It is always hard even when (or per­haps because) in a sense it is a bereave­ment that already hap­pened some years ago as he suc­cumbed to the dis­ease. My father had Parkin­son’s for many years before he final­ly left us and many of the symp­toms were sim­i­lar. Think­ing about you and your fam­i­ly, best wish­es, Hilary

  4. kristen says:

    Thank you, Hilary. It has been such a long time. What I’ve come sad­ly to realise is that even when some­thing is “for the best,” it does not mean that is is good. But we are com­ing along.

  5. Karen Kottkamp says:

    Sor­ry for your loss, and the delayed response, love­ly friend. Agreed that even when some­thing is “for the best”, it does­n’t mean it’s not dif­fi­cult. The griev­ing process is dif­fer­ent for every­one, but I’ve found it comes in waves. Cher­ish the mem­o­ries of your father and give your­self per­mis­sion to feel sad. We need to catch up.

  6. Kristen Frederickson says:

    My dear, we do need to catch up. It has been a very long process, but I’m still in the mid­dle of it. Will be in Indy for a memo­r­i­al in Thanks­giv­ing time. xx

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