Salmon and Beet­root Tartare

Salmon and Beet­root Tartare

Serves 4

4 medi­um fresh beet­root, trimmed and scrubbed
1½ tsp chives and dill, fine­ly chopped
1½ tsp tar­ragon, fine­ly chopped
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tbsp shal­lots, fine­ly chopped
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
3 drops tabas­co sauce
2½ tbsp extra vir­gin olive oil
½ tsp flat-leaf pars­ley, fine­ly chopped
230g skin­less salmon fil­let, bones removed, diced
Pea shoots for gar­nish (option­al)
Salt and black pepper

1 avo­ca­do, diced

Wrap the whole, unpeeled beet­roots in heavy foil and roast in a very hot oven – 425F/220C – for about an hour or until eas­i­ly pierced with a knife.  Cool until pee­lable, then peel and dice to match the salmon dice.

Trans­fer to a bowl and add half the chives, dill, tar­ragon, mus­tard and shal­lots. Add half the lemon juice, all the tabas­co, and 1½ tbsp oil. Mix well and sea­son to taste. Cov­er and refrigerate.

Com­bine the salmon and the remain­ing chives, dill, tar­ragon and shal­lots in a bowl. Add the pars­ley, and the remain­ing mus­tard, lemon juice and olive oil, then sea­son to taste. Mix well, cov­er and chill.

To serve, mound a quar­ter of the beet­root on a plate and top with a quar­ter of the salmon and a quar­ter of the avo­ca­do.  Sprin­kle each serv­ing with fresh black pep­per and olive oil.

(This recipe is adapt­ed from one by Mar­i­an Bur­ros from The Essen­tial New York Times Cook Book by Aman­da Hess­er.  I added dill and avo­ca­do to the orig­i­nal recipe.)


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