St John’s Chick­pea, Cau­li­flower and Caper Salad

1 soup-size can chick­peas, drained

1 head cauliflower

4 tbsps non­pareil capers

hand­ful flat-leaf pars­ley, chopped very fine

hand­ful chives, chopped very fine

5 baby leeks or 1 large leek

2 tbsps butter

4 tbsps mayo

1/2 cup Dijon mustard

2 cloves gar­lic, grated

juice and zest of 1 lemon

sea salt and fresh black pepper

Boston/Bibb/Little Gem let­tuces leaves for serving

John and I ate a ver­sion of this divine sal­ad at the meaty Lon­don restau­rant St John Bread and Wine.  I came home and recre­at­ed it as best I could, after ask­ing the wait­per­son for a list of ingre­di­ents.  Taste and alter to your likings.

Place the chick­peas into a large bowl.  Sep­a­rate the cau­li­flower into very small flo­rets, small­er than the chick­peas, and add them to the bowl.  Add the capers, pars­ley and chives.

Slice the leeks into thin rounds and sweat in melt­ed but­ter until the leeks are soft.  Let them cool to room tem­per­a­ture and add them to the chick­pea mix­ture.  Mix all fur­ther ingre­di­ents up to the let­tuce leaves, in a lid­ded jar you can shake vig­or­ous­ly.  Shake this till well mixed and pour it over the chick­pea mix­ture.  Stir light­ly until the dress­ing coats the veg­eta­bles.  Pile onto let­tuce leaves to serve, so the dress­ing does­n’t inter­act with any­thing else that might be in your plate.

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