Avo­ca­do with Baked Egg and Cheese

Avo­ca­do with Baked Egg and Cheese

(allow 1/2 avo­ca­do per person)

Cut avo­ca­do in half length­wise, feel­ing with the knife for the pit and get­ting as close as pos­si­ble.  Twist avo­ca­do open and lay avo­ca­do half with pit in it on a cut­ting board.  Care­ful­ly whack the pit with the knife, keep­ing hands away.  Twist knife and pull pit out and discard.

Scoop out a hol­low in the avo­ca­do with a spoon.  Care­ful­ly tip in a raw egg and sprin­kle the lot with grat­ed Parme­san.  Bake at 425F/220C for 15–20 min­utes depend­ing on how done you like your egg.  Sprin­kle with chives and serve either warm or at room temperature.

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