Monthly Archive: March 2006


is your cat anxious?

Camille Claudel, 1864–1943 First of all, before I sat­is­fy what is undoubt­ed­ly burn­ing curios­i­ty at the sub­ject of this post, I must say this about…


spring is coming

The race! It was the icon­ic I’m‑a-moth­er-of-an-Eng­lish-school­child expe­ri­ence. Remem­ber those pic­tures, some 15 years ago, of Princess Diana run­ning across a field par­tic­i­pat­ing in her…


Gar­den House School beware

Well, today’s the big 900-metre Cross-Coun­try Race for which the girls of Avery’s school have been prepar­ing for weeks. I might have men­tioned: there were…