Gar­den House School beware

Well, today’s the big 900-metre Cross-Coun­try Race for which the girls of Avery’s school have been prepar­ing for weeks. I might have men­tioned: there were try­outs, and the top five girls in each form were cho­sen to rep­re­sent King’s Col­lege in their best style against two schools: the dread­ed Gar­den House School who so round­ly trounced Avery’s net­ball team last month, and Kens­ing­ton Prep about whom noth­ing is real­ly known. Well, Avery has a huge grudge against Gar­den House to begin with because when we were apply­ing to schools for her, Gar­den House would­n’t even let her apply. Too full up with far cool­er chil­dren, was the gen­er­al atti­tude it seemed. So added to that was the per­ni­cious defeat in net­ball, and let me tell you, those girls had bet­ter watch out today.

Avery of course had no inter­est in rep­re­sent­ing her school; she mere­ly ran as fast as she could and came in sixth. She was huge­ly relieved to find that she had missed being in the run­ning, so to speak, by just one gull. How­ev­er, one gull turned out not to be able to ful­fill her duties (naughty pic­tures of her found on the inter­net? we don’t know), and Avery had to step up, to her dis­may. So many a pick­up at school has been punc­tu­at­ed with com­plaints about train­ing: how tired her legs are, how Miss King did­n’t even run with them, she just walked across Regen­t’s Park as they ran all the way around, and met them on the oth­er side. And she had can­dy! The injus­tice. Any­way, today’s the day, in Bat­tersea Park, so I and some oth­er moth­ers shall go cheer them on. Of course it’s rain­ing. However.

Love­ly play­date with Kel­ly and Anna here this week. Final­ly the gar­den got some use! And tomor­row is a big fes­tive ear­ly East­er par­ty, to ben­e­fit a chil­dren’s char­i­ty, at a hos­pi­tal gar­den in St. John’s Wood, with a pet­ting zoo! Should be fun. I’ll bring my cam­era. I’ve been busy this week plan­ning Avery’s and my spring break trip to Sheffield, in York­shire, to see the British Open Show Jump­ing Cham­pi­onships! Hors­es run­ning through rings of fire, peo­ple doing som­er­saults on their backs, who knows what else in addi­tion to the real event, the show jump­ing. Roy­al Girl Zara Phillips will be com­pet­ing! I’d love to see some­body I rec­og­nize from Hel­lo! mag­a­zine. Then I’ve got to get hotel reser­va­tions and train tick­ets for our trip to Scot­land that week as well. We have to enter­tain our­selves while John vis­its every major Asian city, a real bum­mer in terms of tim­ing, of course. But the sleep­er train to Edin­burgh! John and I did that 15 years ago, as new­ly­weds, on our mam­moth cas­tle-hop­ping trip to Scot­land, and it will be fun to take Fifi with me this time… what fun! And I think it will be lamb­ing sea­son in the heath­ery hills.

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