Spicy Seared Tuna with Wasabi Dressing

(serves two)

2 tuna steaks, the VERY best qual­i­ty you can get
2 tsps each: pre­pared wasabi, miso paste, lime juice, soy sauce
1/2 tsp ground ginger

Can you get pre­pared wasabi and miso paste where you live? I don’t know. But you can order them. Just fol­low the links.

Mix all the mari­nade ingre­di­ents togeth­er and pour over the tuna steaks on a large plate. Turn the steaks over to coat both sides. Mar­i­nate for at least an hour, or even overnight.

Heat a non­stick skil­let as hot as you can (with­in rea­son) and plop the tuna steaks into it, then pour the mari­nade over the top. Sear on one side for 1 minute, then turn and sear the oth­er side for 1 minute. Place on top of a sal­ad of rock­et, water­cress, avo­ca­do and halved baby toma­toes and top with a dress­ing of exact­ly the same pro­por­tions as the mari­nade, with a table­spoon of sun­flower, saf­flower or any oth­er mild oil added.

1 Response

  1. June 21, 2010

    […] Spicy Seared Tuna with Wasabi Dress­ing 06/21 […]

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