Steamed Lob­ster with Aioli

(serves two, with one left­over tail if you’re me)

2 1 1/2 pound lob­sters, ALIVE and kicking

1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 clove gar­lic, fine­ly minced with:
juice of 1 lemon
sea salt and pep­per, to taste

Bring about two inch­es of water to boil in a VERY large pot. Be sure to have a cook­ie rack, triv­et, or pot lid in the bot­tom of the pot: some­thing to keep the lob­sters from being sub­merged in the water. Now place the lob­sters head first in the water and clamp a lid on, with some­thing on top to… well, you know. Steam for 12 min­utes, then cool enough to handle.

Mean­while, mix the mayo with the gar­lic and lemon juice. Some­day I will make home­made mayo, but right now I’m enjoy­ing not know­ing how much bet­ter it will be, so I can con­tin­ue just to open a jar.

Enjoy break­ing open your lob­ster, start­ing with the legs which you can suck on to get out a tiny bit of meat, then the claws, then I always wimp out before I get to the tail, so I wash off the icky intesti­nal bits that cling to it, and I do NOT throw away any left­over aioli. I save them both for:

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