Six-Hour-Braised Shoul­der of Lamb with le Puy Lentils, Rose­mary Pesto and Garlic

(serves four with leftovers)

1 2‑kg shoul­der of Welsh lamb
4 heads gar­lic, one minced, the oth­ers whole with tops cut off
3 tbsps pesto
leaves of 2 stalks rosemary
1 cup le Puy lentils, dried

Line a roast­ing dish with alu­minum foil (trust me, you will thank me lat­er) and place the shoul­der of lamb in it. Run the pesto through the food proces­sor with the rose­mary leaves and the minced gar­lic. Smear the lamb with the pesto and place the three whole gar­lic cloves upright in the cook­ing dish. Scat­ter the lentils all around. Don’t wor­ry that they are dried; the lamb juices will cook them.

Cook at 140C, 280F for about six hours, cov­ered with foil. After about three hours, begin bast­ing every half hour or so (only if you’re home to do so; obvi­ous­ly you can leave it to cook on its own if need be).

About half an hour before you want to eat, drain all the cook­ing liq­uid (leav­ing the lentils and gar­lic behind in the dish) from the dish into a fat sep­a­ra­tor (a very clever imple­ment that looks like a mea­sur­ing cup, talks like a mea­sur­ing cup, but actu­al­ly sep­a­rates the fat from the good stuff in poten­tial gravy). Pour the good stuff into a lit­tle saucepan and dis­card the fat.

Scoop up all the nice­ly cooked lentils and hide them under the lamb. Turn up the heat to 220C, 450F and place the lamb, uncov­ered, back in the oven. Mean­while, heat the gravy in the saucepan and add just a lit­tle flour (depend­ing on the amount of liq­uid you have, prob­a­bly you will not want more than a table­spoon) and whisk care­ful­ly till flour is dis­solved. Remove lamb from oven 15 min­utes from serv­ing time, cov­er with foil and let rest. Let the gravy cook for the time the lamb rests. Serve the lamb sliced thick, with lentils on the side. Scoop the cooked gar­lic from the cloves and spread on toast­ed bread.

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