Pork Fil­let in a Black Gar­lic Mari­nade, Served in Lettuce

(serves 4 easily)

2 medi­um pork ten­der­loins, com­plete­ly trimmed of mem­branes and fat
1 whole head black garlic
2 tbsps soy sauce
juice of 1 lime
1 tbsp sesame oil

1 red pep­per, diced
1 large Por­to­bel­lo mush­room, diced
1 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsps pinenuts, chopped
hand­ful cilantro/coriander leaves
1/4 cup plum sauce

1 head Boston or ice­berg let­tuce, pulled into large leaves

Place the trimmed ten­der­loins in a Ziplock bag. In a small bowl, com­bine the gar­lic, soy sauce, lime juice and sesame oil and mash them togeth­er, then leave for 5 min­utes or so to let the acid in the lime juice break down the gar­lic. Mash some more until nice and smooth, then pour all the mari­nade into the bag with the pork and seal well. Squish around until the ten­der­loins are com­plete­ly coat­ed with the mari­nade. Leave in the fridge for as long as you can, with­in rea­son: an hour to a day.

Jut before you’re ready to eat, assem­ble the rest of the ingre­di­ents, and saute the pep­pers and mush­rooms in the olive oil. Set aside. Cut the ten­der­loins into 1‑inch slices and place in a food proces­sor, then blitz until chopped but not pureed. Heat a heavy fry­ing pan to very hot, then add the pork and saute, break­ing up with a wood­en spoon as you go. When cooked, remove to a bowl.

Serve all ingre­di­ents with let­tuce leaves, and pile on as you like! Have plen­ty of nap­kins, as it’s a messy dish.

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