Pan-Fried Duck Breasts with Sprouts, Noo­dles and Red Peppers

(serves four)

4 fil­let­ed duck breasts, skin on
6 cloves garlic
2‑inch knob gin­ger, minced
1/4 cup sesame oil
1/3 cup soy sauce
juice of 1 lemon
3 tbsps peanut oil
1 sweet onion, sliced
1 large red bell pep­per, sliced
1 pack­age beansprouts
4 por­tions Chi­nese noo­dles, boiled and drained
extra soy sauce and peanut oil for tossing

Mix the gar­lic, gin­ger, sesame, soy and lemon juice in a bowl and sub­merge the duck breasts in the mix­ture, turn­ing fre­quent­ly while you slice your onion and pepper.

Heat a large skil­let to near­ly smok­ing and with a nice fine mesh screen in one hand, with the oth­er put the duck skin side down. RESERVE the mari­nade. Cov­er the skil­let with the screen but still stand back: they sput­ter. Fry high for 8 min­utes, then turn the heat down to medi­um, turn the breasts over (stand back!) and cook for about 4 min­utes more. Remove to a cut­ting board and let rest for five minutes.

Dur­ing this time, return the mari­nade to the skil­let and boil for a cou­ple of min­utes, then add the peanut oil, and fry your onion and pep­per. Remove the skin from the duck (sor­ry, health insists, but have ONE bite) and slice how­ev­er you like it, thick or thin. Toss the duck, the sprouts and the noo­dles into the skil­let and toss with extra soy and/or peanut oil should it need a bit more sauce. Divine.

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