being green can be fun

Yes, I’ve been try­ing real­ly hard to tuck a reusable shop­ping bag in the bot­tom of my hand­bag, so I don’t have to take any plas­tic bags at the super­mar­ket or farmer’s mar­ket, even spur of the moment. And, much more fun but almost equal­ly green, are these milk bags from Wait­rose. You buy a lit­tle plas­tic jug one time, and then you bring home these dar­ling lit­tle bags and slip it into the jug, and voila! It’s appar­ent­ly 75% less pack­ag­ing than a car­ton or plas­tic bot­tle. And the milk tastes love­ly as well.

We’re off to Avery’s skat­ing les­son, then she’ll change her clothes light­ning fast in the car and we’ll race to Maryle­bone to get her friend Sal­ly, and then race to the Globe to see “Much Ado About Noth­ing,” armed with a pic­nic of sand­wich­es: Par­ma ham with Dou­ble Glouces­ter cheese, home­made chick­en sal­ad with tar­ragon and red onion, and salt beef with mus­tard. Plus pears and toma­toes, should be nice. I’m try­ing to pic­ture if we will have time once we get to the the­atre to sit out and eat, or if we should have a nosh in the car. I can’t believe we’ve lived here for two years and have nev­er been to the Globe. Except to vis­it it, closed for the sea­son, when John’s Shake­speare-mad love­ly sis­ter came and insist­ed that we go! We have just stand­ing tick­ets, so fin­gers crossed the lit­tle sprouts with us will be able to see any­thing but peo­ple’s trouser pockets.

The­atre is much on the lips of our house­hold today, because Avery had an audi­tion this after­noon at an act­ing agency and was not only tak­en on as a client, but they already have a role they are putting her up for! I’ll tell you more when I know, but suf­fice to say she is chuffed to bits. Gob­s­macked! Tomor­row morn­ing we must fill out reams of paper­work, drop it off at the agency, pick up the script, video­tape her at home read­ing the part of the princess (nat­u­ral­ly) while one of us reads the oth­er part, and race the tape over to them. Appar­ent­ly cast­ing is well under­way but they feel she’s right for the part, so they’re going to get her in under the wire. Excit­ing! I told her I was actu­al­ly very pleased that is such a very, very bad vio­lin play­er. “Why is that, Mom­my?” “Because as Lord Peter Wim­sey said to Bunter about bell-ring­ing, ‘I’m always pleased to find there’s some­thing you CAN’T do.”

Right, off we go for our whirl­wind of activ­i­ties. TGIF!

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