freak­ing out

New blog is coming.

New ver­sion of OLD blog is coming.

Improved blog of (sob) beloved blog is coming.


I love my blog. I love how it looks, how point­less­ly old-fash­ioned it is, how only-tex­ty, how it does­n’t scream at you, only gen­tly says, “Hel­lo, here’s what has been hap­pen­ing, isn’t it lovely/funny/touching,” and “By the way, here’s some­thing you could whip up for supper.”

I don’t want to lose any of that, so I’m pan­ick­ing a bit. A bit as I felt when I stood by and watched Avery have her first major hair­cut, from lit­tle-girl to “hair­do.” Of course she was even more beau­ti­ful when she emerged, and still rec­og­niz­able, but some­thing of the Orig­i­nal, the Baby, was gone.

I just pre­viewed two ver­sions of The New And Improved Kris­ten in Lon­don. Made some sug­ges­tions (gen­tly, this fel­low owns my life right now!), tried to decide if I was being too picky… sighed over the com­plete­ly new look…

I shall sur­vive. It’s only a mat­ter of days before you, Dear Read­ers, are pre­sent­ed with the new choice. Then you can weigh in, and how I hope you WILL! We will tweak her (sor­ry, it) togeth­er. (Clear­ly, I have some issues going on here with ado­les­cence in gen­er­al, whether it’s my daugh­ter’s or my blog’s! All moth­ers want babies to stay small, even if they have bet­ter con­ver­sa­tions with them when they’re 13. For SURE).

Bear with me. Change is com­ing. And they say, change is… good. Don’t they?

1 Response

  1. Kristen In London says:

    It IS excit­ing, Plane Ride! For sure a recipe index… and my daugh­ter just start­ed a blog on Word­Press, so I am fol­low­ing her, as usu­al these days! You under­stand me, with a teenag­er of your own.

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