p.s. on salmon recipe, plus a question

I must aver that the salmon was FAB­U­LOUS and has con­tributed in no small way to my feel­ing on the road to recov­ery tonight. But I should add that I include about 1/2 cup chick­en stock in the sauce, added at the same time you want to whisk in the creme fraiche and cream.

Here’s a ques­tion: you may find that in bak­ing, the sauce splits ever so slight­ly, at the edges of the serv­ing dish. By split, I should clar­i­fy that I mean a slight gran­u­la­tion of the tex­ture, not so severe that one would call it cur­dling, but a slight not-per­fect tex­ture (does not affect the sub­lime fla­vor). I think we could bake the salmon on its own and pour the sauce over it from the skil­let, when serv­ing, but would that lessen the delight­ful moist-ness of the salmon itself? It would sure­ly lessen the infu­sion of brandy and cream into the fish, which pro­duces a del­i­cate but per­va­sive fla­vor. Try it, do, and let me know.

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