you’re all free now

No pho­to, no recipe, just a heart­felt THANK YOU to my loy­al sub­scribed read­ers who suf­fered through 1) iso­la­tion, 2) pass­word annoy­ance, and 3) my sad mood upon clos­ing down the blog except to reg­is­tered readers.

Well… drum roll please… we’re OPEN! It was so sim­ple. I approached Avery’s school through the most offi­cial of chan­nels and no prob­lem: they are com­plete­ly hap­py for me to have my blog. It under­scored the com­plete and utter insan­i­ty of the school offi­cial tan­gen­tial­ly relat­ed to dear Avery’s last edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tion just about a year ago. This lady, who was a com­plete stranger to all of us, flipped her lid to the extent that thanks to her threats to Avery’s hap­pi­ness and secu­ri­ty (I wish I were mak­ing this up) I closed the blog to all but password-holders.

It sounds so sim­ple now, but the hideous and cru­el threats of those old days held sway over me for months, right up until now. My ever-sen­si­ble hus­band said, “Why not just ask how the school feels?” and so, heart in my throat, I did. And they were LOVE­LY. Under­stand­ing, almost unin­ter­est­ed, just calm and modern.

So here we are. You can send the link to your friends! You can rec­om­mend my blog to your moth­er. You can do any­thing you like because we’re… open and ready for busi­ness. I thank you from the bot­tom of my heart for stick­ing with me through the rough patch­es. You know who you are.

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