Car­ciofi Cru­di con Scampi

(serves 4 as a starter, or 2 as a light lunch)

2 globe artichokes
juice of 1 lemon
1 cup cray­fish tails
2 tsps gar­lic-infused olive oil (or plain oil and a minced clove of garlic)
juice of 1 fur­ther lemon, maybe more
sea salt and fresh black pep­per to taste

Cut off the stem of the arti­choke where it’s woody, and peel the out­er lay­er from the rest of the stem with a pota­to peel­er, then cut off the top sort of third of the arti­choke. This is because the top and out­er leaves are tough and inedible.

Peel away near­ly all the out­er leaves, until very pale and ten­der ones are left. Then with a sharp tea­spoon, dig in the cen­ter of the arti­choke and care­ful­ly scoop out all the inner leaves and the fur­ry, hairy bits of choke inside them. Err on the side of remov­ing too many inner leaves, rather than leav­ing behind any choke, which is inedible.

Imme­di­ate­ly plunge the arti­chokes in lemon water, to pre­vent them turn­ing brown.

When you are ready to serve your sal­ad, remove the arti­chokes one at a time, shake off the water, and slice PAPER thin, as thin as you can man­age. As soon as you fin­ish slic­ing an arti­choke, place in a medi­um-sized bowl and sprin­kle with lemon juice, toss to mix. Move onto the next arti­choke and repeat, adding more lemon juice and toss­ing again.

Mix the cray­fish tails with the arti­chokes and sprin­kle over the olive oil, lemon juice to taste, and sea­son well. Mix well and to serve, pile in the cen­ter of the plate as high as you can. Perfect.

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