Scal­lop Cobb Salad

(serves 2 as main dish, 4 as light starter)

1 tbsp sun­flower oil (or oth­er rather taste­less oil)
1 kilo scal­lops, cleaned of mus­cle and dried
8 ounces pancetta cubes
3 cloves gar­lic, minced
1/2 lb new pota­toes, steamed in their skins and quartered
hand­ful flat-leaf pars­ley, chopped
hand­ful chives, chopped
3 beet­root, roast­ed, peeled and diced
1/2 cup goat cheese, crumbled
2 cups rocket
sea salt and fresh ground pepper
olive oil to drizzle
1 lemon, quartered

So just like the old Cobb Sal­ad, only not with any of the same ingre­di­ents. Heat the oil in a heavy fry­ing pan and sear the scal­lops for two min­utes on the first side, get­ting a good col­or, then turn over and do the same to the oth­er side for per­haps a minute. Do NOT over­cook. Turn out onto paper tow­el to drain.

In same fry­ing pan, where there will still be oil, fry the pancetta gen­tly till well browned. Set aside. Fry gar­lic gen­tly in the pancetta fat, then add steamed pota­toes and pars­ley and chives. Toss well for a moment, then take off heat.

Now: assem­bly job. On a long, wide plat­ter, place the scal­lops, the pancetta, the pota­toes, the beet­root, the goat cheese and the rock­et in rows.

Let your guests assem­ble their own arrange­ments of all the ingre­di­ents and pro­vide the salt, pep­per and oil to dress, along with the lemon wedges. Enjoy!

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